Faculty Focus

Faculty Focus: July 2017

What is your educational background?
RO: I have a B.A. 罗得岛大学新闻学硕士和文学硕士.A.T. from National-Louis University.

What did you do prior to becoming a teacher at Fenwick?
RO: 我在WGN电台的《esball世博》(the Steve Cochran Show)做了八年的执行制片人. 在此之前,我曾在波士顿的Fidelity Investments和Putnam Investments任职.

What are you currently reading for enjoyment?
RO: 当[篮球]教练[斯汤顿]佩克和我不讨论红袜队和白袜队以及其他世界事务时, we recommend books to each other. The current recommendation is Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari. I just started it, and so far, so good!

What interests do you pursue outside of the classroom?
RO: 我喜欢任何户外活动,比如跑步、露营和登山. 去年夏天,我和儿子在新罕布什尔州的怀特山脉徒步旅行, and it was a lot of fun sharing my passion with him. 他似乎很喜欢这样,而且肯定比我更有毅力! 
To what teams and/or clubs did you belong as a student?
RO: 在国际扶轮华威的主教亨德里肯高中读书时,我是校报的一员. 我从小就对新闻和媒体着迷,我现在仍然有这种激情. I also ran cross country and threw the javelin, 虽然我的报纸技能比我的标枪能力要好得多.

Which clubs/Sports/Activities do you run at Fenwick?
RO: I am the moderator of the Broadcasting Club. 2011年我入职时,俱乐部只有三名成员. I am proud of how the students have really grown the club. 我们现在制作视频,直播体育赛事,也制作短片,创意电影. There really is something for everybody, 我很幸运能和这些才华横溢的年轻人一起工作. [Check out the Fenwick Broadcasting Club YouTube Channel.]

RO: 我认为作为esball世博的一名学生肩负着巨大的责任感. 成为一名修士意味着你以一种特定的方式行事——你在生活的各个方面都是一个有品质的人. As a student, you work hard and have an appetite for knowledge; as a member of the community, you conduct yourself in a morally strong manner; and as a person of faith, you have a strong relationship with God. That is what being a Fenwick Friar entails.

RO: When my radio career was at a crossroads, 我记得我曾经想过要成为一名教师. 我记得高中时的老师对我的成长产生了深远的影响. 直到多年以后,我才意识到他们对我的影响有多大. 我知道我可以和年轻人一起工作,根据我的生活经历与他们建立联系,以一种使材料与他们的生活更相关的方式.

RO: 我给课堂带来了高度的激情和热情, and I hope it is contagious with my students. 我认为有了正确的心态,即使是最无聊的课程也会变得有趣. 这实际上是关于保持开放的心态和尝试新事物的意愿.

What do you like most about teaching as a career?
RO: Without a doubt, the students. As much as they learn in my class, I learn just as much about life, people, 以及上帝每天赋予我们每个人的才能. 他们激励我努力工作,尽我所能帮助他们学习和成长.

What is your philosophy of education?
RO: 我让所有的课程和广播俱乐部都以学生为中心.” It is their education and their experience in high school. I am the least important person in the classroom. 通过赋予学生更多的学习自主权, they become more engaged in the material we are covering.

What is the greatest success you have had in teaching?
RO: 每当我以前的学生给我发电子邮件或停下来参观esball世博并分享他们的成功故事时,我都很高兴和谦卑. 当他们告诉我,我们在课堂上所做的事情对他们在大学和以后的生活有帮助时, that is the greatest compliment I can get. 它激励着我继续激励和推动学生成为最好的自己.

RO: 今天的高中生比80年代末的我要艰难得多. Social media is like the “Wild West,虽然我认为使用社交媒体有很多好处, there are many dangers, distractions and pitfalls that exist with these platforms. 我还认为,从我那个年龄开始,学习高难度课程和取得好成绩的压力明显加大了. 我们esball世博的孩子们很了不起,因为他们面对这些压力并取得了伟大的成就! They really impress me all the time.

How do you encourage class participation?
RO: 我鼓励学生参与课堂,确保他们知道自己的意见很重要! Nobody is more important than anybody else, 我们在问题上的不同观点有助于加强对话. I encourage students to disagree with me, if they feel that way, 因为在话语社区中进行智力辩论挑战了思想和/或强化了现有的信念.

Have your classes really won seven Tug-of War championships?
RO: Yes [smiling].
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